Saturday, March 27, 2010

Hello All,

To open this blog I feel that I need to give a brief description of myself and my learning journey to date.

As a child, I dreamt of being a school teacher, and started a Bachelor of Education in 1993 when I first left school. After 18 months of study, my family and financial difficulties combined with a lack of maturity led me to withdraw from the course, and onto a very different path.

For most of my professional life I have worked in the retail fashion industry. In 2003 I decided to start a Bachelor of Business with a Major in Marketing at CQU to enable me to work within the business development field. My idea was to travel to small rural communities and teach small business owners how to develop/adapt their businesses in the changing rural landscape. In 2004 I met a man, and the following year we married and had our first child. I continued to study while being a stay at home mother, and completed the degree in 2007, two months before my second child was born. For the next two years I focused on being a stay at home mother. After recently divorcing, I have done a lot of soul searching and have rediscovered the real me. I have decided to return to my dream of teaching.

In the last five weeks since starting this course, my perceptions and attitudes towards teaching, and the environment in which we teach, has changed drastically. As you can see from my previous experience, I have not been engaged in a primary school classroom for many years, and have not had experience with many of the modern technologies. In fact, I only purchased a computer and discovered the Internet in 2003 out of necessity to start my business degree. Now that was a steep learning curve, just like this one appear to be!

I am extremely excited about this journey I am taking, and am working hard to learn all of the knowledge and skills that will enable me to inspire and encourage all children to fulfil their individual potential so they can go on and live fulfilling lives. I look forward to documenting this journey on this blog, and hope we can learn from each other.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Cathy,

    Congratulations on your first blog.I can't imagine what it is like to have to create one all by yourself , without much class time. If I can help with anything , just ask.

    Susan Ashton P/Time Primary
