Monday, April 26, 2010

Using You Tube videos in Education

As required for my ICT course, I went onto You Tube and chose a file to embed into my blog. I chose this movie as it would be perfect to show my year 6/7 class to help them understand the basic principle of a wiki. I will be requiring them to build a Wiki as a class, on the town of Childers. I have outlined this project previously on my blog, so I won't go into more detail now.

As many of my students have had very limited use of technology, I chose this video because of its simple explanations and its use of paper cut-outs and simple illustrations. I feel the students could relate well to this type of demonstration, and are much more likely to be engaged with the subject and have a much higher level of retention then if I gave them a handout with a written definition and explanation of what a Wiki is. These benefits of using technology in educating students are explained in more detail by Kearsley & Shniederman (1999) in their paper on Engagement Theory: A framework for technology-based teaching and learning.


Kearsley, G. & Shneidermen, B (1999) Engagement theory: a framework for technology-based teaching and learning, retrieved from

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